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Modern Chat Symbols and Acronyms

Welcome to the Modern Chat Symbols and Acronyms guide! Here, you'll find an easy-to-use list of popular chat symbols and acronyms along with their meanings. These are perfect for enhancing your chats on Free Chat Now or any other platform.

Modern Chat Symbols

Symbol Meaning
<3 Love/Heart
:) Smile
:( Sad/Frown
;) Wink
:D Big Smile/Grin
XD Laughing hard
:'( Crying
O_O Shocked/Surprised
:/ Unsure/Skeptical
B) Cool
Symbol Meaning
:P Sticking out tongue
^_^ Happy/Cute
>:( Angry
^_^; Nervous
</3 Broken Heart
>:) Evil grin
-_- Annoyed/Bored
o_O Confused
*_* Amazed/Starstruck
(y) Thumbs up/Like

Common Chat Acronyms

Acronym Meaning
LOL Laughing Out Loud
BRB Be Right Back
OMG Oh My God
IDK I Don't Know
TTYL Talk To You Later
IMO In My Opinion
FYI For Your Information
JK Just Kidding
AFK Away From Keyboard
BFF Best Friends Forever
Acronym Meaning
SMH Shaking My Head
ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing
YOLO You Only Live Once
NVM Never Mind
TBH To Be Honest
IDC I Don't Care
GTG Got To Go
IRL In Real Life
TMI Too Much Information
GG Good Game

We hope this guide helps you understand and enjoy modern chat symbols and acronyms! Try them out in your next conversation on Free Chat Now.